Friday, September 2, 2011

Exciting Times Are Just Around The Corner

          Cant believe tonight I just took my 4 year old baby girl to see her teacher and classroom for this upcoming school year! I still cannot believe she is already a 4 year old much less she is starting school. Hallie is super excited to start school though so this makes it alittle easier on me.......I think.  It will be I'm sure a little more quiet around this house during the day when she is not here with me and her little sister. I just cannot wait to pick her up after her first day of school and just let her talk and talk about her first day :-) The next few days will be us taking her to get her school supplies and the one pair of shoes she has been asking for...Twinkle Toes. Wish I could hold onto her forever but I know this is a new yet exciting chapter in not only mine and Joshua's lives but in Hallie's as well. LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!



ENJOY!!! I couldn't get much out of Maddy after her first day... but Hallie will probably tell you EVERYTHING :) Love ya!

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